Sunday, September 11, 2016

Board Game Lab Session

Smash Up Session Report

When first being coming to class I was unsure of what I was going to play, but right away Smash Up caught my eye!(Image Below) Everything on this cover was interesting to me, and I had to know more about it.
Cover to Smash Up
Links to Smash Up on BoardGameGeek:
Smash Up mechanics:
Smash Up starts with each player choosing two different themed decks, and then they mix the two decks together to get a nice mixture of the two themes. There are a deck of base cards to be drawn from and placed on the table, the number of base cards in play should be 1 more than how many players there are(Ex. 4 players = 5 bases cards). Each turn, players get to put down a action card and minion card from their hand, and then draw 2 more cards from their deck. The objective is to capture bases by placing enough minions on them, to get points. First player to get the set amount of points wins the game.
My Smash Up Session Report:
The rules of this game are fairly complex to understand when you first jump in, even with a veteran player in our playing group to guide us it was a bit hard to grasp. Some of the rules/aspects of the game seemed unclear, and most of this confusion was from the action cards or player effects, where the wording would make it difficult to understand what was supposed to be done.
We started the game with 4 players, so that meant that we had 5 base cards in play. Starting bases included alien, zombie, ninja, and fairy bases, all having different effects that would either effect the game once the base was taken over or every time a card was played on it. My deck was the destructive and stealthy combo of Ninjas and Robots, ninjas have a tendency to be sneaky and robots come in the masses. The other players and their respective decks were Kurt with Zombie/Bears (Zombies come back from the dead and bears are just badass), Stacey with Fairy/Wizards (Fairies are well fairy-like and wizards get to use many actions), and Eddie the veteran with Alien/Pirates (Aliens are known to abduct others and pirates like to steal). Our game was to 10 points.
The game started with Eddie, who proceeded to play a minion who automatically gained him a point, then moved on to Stacey's turn who nervously played her first cards unknowing of what was going on or how to really play, just like Kurt and I stumbled through our first turns. After getting the idea of the game down a little more, it was very fast paced and players seemed on edge throughout the turns, unknowing of what will happen. Unfortunately for my group, our veteran player was helping the class and had to leave for about half the game, leaving some room for the noobs to flex their new skills. 
The bases started to slowly be taken over as the game went on, and luckily for me the robots and ninjas were prevailing on the map. Although the bear/zombies put up a good fight, the aliens were afcg(Away from Card Game) almost half the time and fairy/wizards could not get enough minion cards down to overtake a base. As base upon base was strategically sieged by my Ninja/Robot armies, the points stacked in my favor, till finally the last base "The central Brain" was won by me and the game was mine!

Last Base Card Won
Overall I really did like the game and feel it is best played with more than two people probably. (I haven't played it with less than 3) This game can take some time, our game was about 30-45 mins long, but if you set the winning amount of point to less than it could end faster.
If you liked my Session report, her is another Smash Up Session Report from BoardGameGeek.
Hope you enjoyed this Session report, and please go try out Smash Up for yourself!

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